Written by Steve Crescenzo Communicators, pencils ready! You have three minutes to complete the following multiple-choice question. Good luck! Why do most corporate communicators fail to reach the status of Strategic Counselor in their organizations, and instead fall into the “Communication Order Taker” role: a. Never-ending deadlines that suck your time away and leave you no time to be either
Written by Hellen Deverell, Alive! Often the perception of internal communication is far from where we want it to be. But with large numbers of IC pros not a member of any professional body or investing in CPD, is it any wonder*? Developing our credibility needs to be a priority for IC pros, and here are our top seven tips for doing
Written by Becky Sennett, BrilliantInk.com. For over 115 years, Crayola has helped parents and educators raise ‘creatively alive’ kids. What Crayola stands for is refreshing — they celebrate children’s originality and self-expression, encourage wonder, adventure, and dreaming. Simply put – “inspire everything imaginable.” What’s also refreshing is that this authenticity carries over internally, and Crayola recognizes the culture they create
In times of change or uncertainty, organizations need leadership more than ever. That means the quality and amount of communications need to increase. I used to work for a manager who said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Times of change are a litmus test for leadership, which means sharing with employees what we know and what we
Written by Justin Black, Glint. Let’s face it: Employee engagement programs often fail. In fact, they fail a disheartening amount of the time. The most common reason is because far too few people are doing what the whole initiative was designed for: using data to take effective action to help people be happier and more successful at work. There are
Written by Mark Emmons, Dynamic Signal. David Armano is the Global Strategy Director at Edelman where he focuses on helping companies navigate digital transformation. And, yes, that means educating clients on new technology. But he said companies are underestimating an even larger cultural shift. “There has been an inversion in trust,” Armano explained. “Employees, consumers and customers really have the
The challenge of effectively communicating with the deskless worker is one that is becoming increasingly prevalent in many industries, from manufacturing to hospitality; retail to hospitals and trucking/logistics. The reality is that there are nearly 3 billion individuals in the global workforce who do not have access to or use a desktop computer in their work and many are not
Written by Robert Grover, Staffbase.com. At the start of 2017, we talked about how internal communications is a field that requires constant rethinking. With that thought in mind, we’ve gone back to the drawing board and come up with 18 new ideas for making improvements in this crucial area. 18 is no small number, so, in the interest of speeding things
Written by Robert Grover, Staffbase.com. Each new year sees the publication of countless lists and blogs featuring instructions and magic formulas which business communicators are implored to adopt lest they lose the ear of their internal audience. But commonsense advice doesn’t change with the calendar. When it comes to internal communication in today’s workplace, what was important last year remains
Written by Greg Shove, SocialChorus.com. Today, we consume information and entertainment at lightning speed. We’re hooked on snackable media like YouTube, Instagram, and our favorite news apps. And while this is happening, more, and more workers are remote and disconnected from corporate headquarters. How do we communicate in this world of new expectations and low employee engagement? Leadership Is Changing