It’s probably no coincidence that while a reported 87% of today’s workforce still typically receives company information via an intranet (in addition to email or in-person), it’s that exact same number who say that they’re unengaged with their jobs. According to a 2018 Gallup poll, “a staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged.” Could it be that these are
We all know it, communication is the key. But it’s not always so simple! Conveying your corporate vision to all your collaborators can be a difficult task. Take a look to learn how an intranet can help you. 5 Ways to Transmit Corporate Vision through an Intranet Follow these 5 steps to build you corporate vision. Successfully transmit it to
Written by Robert Grover, Each new year sees the publication of countless lists and blogs featuring instructions and magic formulas which business communicators are implored to adopt lest they lose the ear of their internal audience. But commonsense advice doesn’t change with the calendar. When it comes to internal communication in today’s workplace, what was important last year remains
Your corporate intranet does a lot for your organization, but are you using it to your best advantage? Underutilization of corporate infrastructure is a big obstacle for many companies. But you’ve taken infinite care to select the right software, and you’ve spent timeless hours training your team on how to use it properly, so why not take advantage of ALL
Written by Pete Fritz – Solution Architect, Unily Follow the story of one global business who transitioned over 33,000 files, documents and sites from Jive to Office 365 and Unily. Why did they make the move? How did they do it? And has it been a success? Jive Software is justifiably proud of its intranet product. Since 2001, Jive Software
Written by Siv Rauv of Elcom Measuring your intranet is critical for the success of your platform. Using data that reflects how employees use your intranet, what they feel about it and how the intranet impacts your organization is the best way to deliver a modern, relevant channel which will keep on improving. Having a robust intranet metrics strategy and
Written by Molly Anglin | February 04, 2016 | Enterprise Strategy , Enterprise Industry and Trends Digital transformation is more than just technology – it’s a culture. And when it comes to tools, these nine traits have emerged as fundamental to the digitally transformed workplace arsenal: It’s hard to put your finger on. What is digital transformation… really? We’ve suggested
Written by: Stacy Wilson, Owner & President, Eloquor Consulting, Inc I’m not sure what started my fascination with health care, but it started early. Perhaps it was that my father was an exercise physiologist. Perhaps it was my early job at an association for medical group managers (way before “managed care” was common). It might have been the time I
By Michael Blumenthal There’s an old project management adage, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This is certainly true for deploying Office 365 and more specifically, SharePoint Online, for an organization. Planning involves more than just answering the technical questions needed to sync a company’s Active Directory to Office 365. Planning for Office 365 should involve coming