We all know it, communication is the key. But it’s not always so simple! Conveying your corporate vision to all your collaborators can be a difficult task. Take a look to learn how an intranet can help you. 5 Ways to Transmit Corporate Vision through an Intranet Follow these 5 steps to build you corporate vision. Successfully transmit it to
Written by: PoliteMail Software Communicating with employees is an increasingly vital role for top executives in organizations of all sizes. The problem is not all senior leaders recognize this. While executives often take an active role in external communications with the media and business communities, they tend to delegate internal communications or underestimate the value of having professional communications advisors
Written by: Gregg Apirian, SocialChorus For most companies, the customer comes first. Employees work hard every day to improve the customer experience — from brand perception to advancing products and services to delivering timely and valuable customer service. These hard-working employees are the brains and glue that hold the customer experience together and, in many cases, push it forward. Take
Written by: PoliteMail Software Often articles and how-to guides about internal communications will offer a piece of advice like “identify the KPIs that work best for your organization,” but don’t specify exactly what those KPIs or metrics should be. There’s a good reason for that: Different types of organizations have different goals, and thus most likely have different needs when
Written by Scott McDowell, Tribe Pictures. Video is one of the most effective tools for leaders today. It’s not simply a way to share the latest news; it’s a way to call people to action. But in order for employees and stakeholders to heed your call, they first need to connect with you. So, how do you put your best
Written by Steve Crescenzo Communicators, pencils ready! You have three minutes to complete the following multiple-choice question. Good luck! Why do most corporate communicators fail to reach the status of Strategic Counselor in their organizations, and instead fall into the “Communication Order Taker” role: a. Never-ending deadlines that suck your time away and leave you no time to be either
In times of change or uncertainty, organizations need leadership more than ever. That means the quality and amount of communications need to increase. I used to work for a manager who said, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” Times of change are a litmus test for leadership, which means sharing with employees what we know and what we
Written by Justin Black, Glint. Let’s face it: Employee engagement programs often fail. In fact, they fail a disheartening amount of the time. The most common reason is because far too few people are doing what the whole initiative was designed for: using data to take effective action to help people be happier and more successful at work. There are
Written by Robert Grover, Staffbase.com. At the start of 2017, we talked about how internal communications is a field that requires constant rethinking. With that thought in mind, we’ve gone back to the drawing board and come up with 18 new ideas for making improvements in this crucial area. 18 is no small number, so, in the interest of speeding things
A new study released at the Engage16 annual workforce communications conference last week revealed that 2 out of 3 corporations are investing in employee communications technology. What took them so long? Every CIO and internal communications professional we speak with complain that getting employees to read internal communications has been extremely difficult for a number of years. Studies consistently report that over 50%