2/3 of Organizations Now Use New Internal Communications Technologies

 2/3 of Organizations Now Use New Internal Communications Technologies

A new study released at the Engage16 annual workforce communications conference last week revealed that 2 out of 3 corporations are investing in employee communications technology. What took them so long?

Every CIO and internal communications professional we speak with complain that getting employees to read internal communications has been extremely difficult for a number of years. Studies consistently report that over 50% of all internal communications aren’t read. While there are multiple reasons for this, (i.e. workload, competition for attention, decreased attention span, information overload, etc.) the answer can be divided into two basic categories: content and delivery system.

There are multiple technologies that offer more effective message delivery while simplifying the creation of content. We selected SnapComms 8 years ago because it was highly effective in reaching employees. It offered multiple channels that kept messaging fresh, is simple to use and it bypasses email completely. Importantly, it has continued to evolve and remains in sync with employee preferences.  There are other good systems available as well. From a content perspective, people have shorter attention spans and rarely read past the first five sentences of any article. Why then, do companies continue to send long-form communication and then wonder why they are rarely read?

In response Trident developed ShortBurst™, which delivers content using formats and channels that are in sync with employee/consumer preferences.  We live in a consumer-driven world and if you view employees as consumers who bring their media consumption preferences and habits to work, it can broaden your thinking about how you can communicate more effectively. It’s worked well for our clients.

The survey findings were based on responses from 367 North American companies. It’s also interesting to note that 96% of survey respondents stated that better employee communication tools are now essential in order to achieve company goals. The report suggested new ways to deliver information are in high demand, largely inspired by the availability of consumer technologies in the workplace.  This has been our experience as well and have adjusted our approach to leverage this fundamental change in employee behavior.

Original article posted on Trident Communications LLC.

Interested in more information? Attend Government Employee Engagement & Internal Communication Strategies in Washington, D.C., September 25 – 27, 2018.


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