Tag: Internal Communications

Written by: Stacy Wilson, Owner & President, Eloquor Consulting, Inc I’m not sure what started my fascination with health care, but it started early. Perhaps it was that my father was an exercise physiologist. Perhaps it was my early job at an association for medical group managers (way before “managed care” was common). It might have been the time I

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We recently conducted an online survey of communicators in the healthcare industry and found that 63% of those that responded named reaching non-desk employees and volunteers as their biggest challenge. If you work in the healthcare industry I’m sure that this isn’t a surprise. From nurses and laboratory technicians to emergency medical technicians and surgical technicians, healthcare audiences are some

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Written by: Jacqueline Strayer, New York University “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” – John F. Kennedy. When lecturing to my graduate students about crisis I use this quote to launch discussion of the subject. Why? Because we often focus on that first Chinese character only…

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On April 28, IC Kollectif posted the following question to communication professionals via its Twitter account: “Who are the IC thought leaders you are reading or listening to these days ?” We were curious to hear from our followers who they consider to be the consultants and practitioners who actively share their insights with the larger profession and who are

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Written by: Priya Bates, ABC, MC, CMP, President, Inner Strength Communication Inc. “Communication professionals want more respect and have been talking about getting their rightful seat at the (decision-making) table for most of my career. Over 20 years as an Internal Communication professional, I’ve learned that you don’t automatically get the seat, you have to earn it. And here’s the

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