Who are the top Internal Communication thought leaders?

Who are the top Internal Communication thought leaders?

3rd Annual Strategic Internal Communications

IC Kollectif IC Leaders

On April 28, IC Kollectif posted the following question to communication professionals via its Twitter account:

“Who are the IC thought leaders you are reading or listening to these days ?”

We were curious to hear from our followers who they consider to be the consultants and practitioners who actively share their insights with the larger profession and who are also perceived as trusted sources.

Over fifty people and company names were initially submitted to us via replies and DM. Although there is clearly a link between some of the people and company names submitted, we chose to include them all as they do operate under different Twitter handles. We want to thank everyone who took the time to share them with us, as well as all the people who kindly retweeted our question to their own followers.

Here are the names submitted as top IC thought leaders, listed in alphabetical order :

Adrian Cropley @acropley | Alive With Ideas ‪@alivewithideas | All Things IC @AllthingsIC | Andy Kates @andyck | Aniisu @aniisu | Bill Quirke | Broadsign @BroadSign | Caroline Taylor-Martin | Ciara O’Keeffe @CommsOKeeffe | Cameron Craig @Cam_CommsGuy | Christine Donjean @cdonjean | Chuck Gose @chuckgose | CIPR Inside @ciprinside | Comms2point0 @comms2point0 | Dan Slee @danslee | Dana Leeson @danaleeson | David Grossman @ThoughtPartner | Dr. Kevin Ruck @AcademyKev | Emma Rodgers @EmmaRodgers | EUPRERA @euprera| FERPI @Ferpi2puntozero | Global Alliance PR @Global_Alliance | Gloria Lombardi @LOMBARDI_GLORIA | Headlines @HeadlinesComms | Heather Wagoner @Heather_Wagoner | Helen Deverell @helendeverell | Helen Reynolds @HelReynolds | Institute for PR @InstituteForPR | Institute of IC @IoICNews | Jenni Field ‪@jenniwheller‪ | Jennifer Shatwell ‪‪@jenshatwell | Jim Connor @Jimmer3 | Jim Shaffer @jim_shaffer | João Duarte @duartej | Jo Alexander @JoCrossCurrent | John Stepper ‪@johnstepper | Jonathan Champ @meaningbusiness | Judy Gombita @jgombita | Drum @katdrum | Kate Jones @how_IC_it | Kate Shanks @kateshanksy | Katie Macaulay @Katie__Macaulay | Katie Marlow @ktmarlow | Kira Scharwey @kirascharwey | Kristen Sukalac @KSukalac |

Klavs Valskov @KlavsValskov | Leandro Herrero @LeandroEHerrero | LearnICology @LearnICology | Lee Smith, Gatehouse @gatehousegroup | Liam Fitz @LiamFitz | Marc B. do Amaral @MarcBdoAmaral | Martin Smith @icanorak | Melcrum @Melcrum | Michele Richardson @MicheleAree | Mike Klein @mklein818 | Neville Hobson @jangles | Newsweaver IC @Newsweaver_IC | Paul Barton ‏‪@PaulBartonABC | Peggy L. Bieniek @PLBieniekABC | Priya Bates @priyabates | Rachel Royall @RachRoyall | Richard Baker @richard_baker & Hiyu @joinhiyu | Rita Zonius @RitaZonius | Sean Williams @CommAMMO | Shel Holtz ‪@shelholtz | Simon Terry @simongterry | Simply-Communicate @simplycomm | Sheri Rosen @sherirosen | Stephanie Robinson @StephanieRobC | Steve Crescenzo ‪@Crescenzo | Stephen Welch @StephenWelch11 | Steven Murgatroyd @steve_murg | Sue Cartwright @suecartwright | Sue Horner @SueHorner | The IC Crowd @theICcrowd | Toni Muzi @tonimuzifalconi‪ | Working Comms @Workingcomms |

A public Twitter list called “IC Thought Leaders” is available at‪ @IC_Kollectif.

ABOUT IC Kollectif

IC Kollectif aspires to create a space that brings together the numerous and elusive sources dealing with internal communication (IC) from a strategic and holistic point of view. We aim to become a must-visit resource for communication professionals eager to keep abreast of issues and the constant evolution of the practice from a strategic and holistic point of view. IC Kollectif seeks to meet the needs of those who favor a strategic approach to their projects and want to rely on highly relevant information to deal with challenges and identify new opportunities. Follow us at ‪@IC_Kollectif‪.


@IC_Kollectif is a proud supporter of the 3rd Annual Strategic Internal Communications conference July 18 – 20 in Boston

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