Written by Rachel Medanic, Talk Social to Me. If you lead Internal Communications or IT at your company, you likely have been watching recent developments in collaboration technology. Collaboration for the enterprise is expected to be a $49b market by 2021. The number of companies vying for that market (enterprise social networking being the heaviest category of spend) continues
Written by Siv Rauv of Elcom Measuring your intranet is critical for the success of your platform. Using data that reflects how employees use your intranet, what they feel about it and how the intranet impacts your organization is the best way to deliver a modern, relevant channel which will keep on improving. Having a robust intranet metrics strategy and
By Carrie Basham Young, Talk to Me Social. Last week, Workplace by Facebook rolled out the ability for companies to collaborate securely with non-employees inside designated “Multi Company Groups” (MCGs for short), even if the external collaborators don’t have a Workplace account of their own. Collaboration with business partners outside of one’s own company is critical. Vendors, customers, and partners
Written by Michelle O’Gara. There’s no question that social media are a game-changer – and so is Workplace by Facebook. Facebook currently connects more than 1.94 billion monthly active users on its public-facing network site. One could wager that many of those users work for the same health care organization as you. Health care thought leaders such as the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland
Written by Ephraim Julius Freed, Internal Communications Manager & Intranet Manager, Employee Experience leader. In a nutshell: Employee experience design (EXD) describes a holistic, audience-centric approach to delivering HR, internal communications, the digital workplace and physical office spaces. EXD combines user experience design and research, cross-functional collaboration and solutions, employer brand and values, and product management thinking to deliver consistent,
Michelle Bolda Esposito, Senior Partner, Rogue Services and Solutions. You know when you’re driving along peacefully, you are really sure you know where you’re going, and then, BAM, you’re hit by a train? Hopefully, no, you don’t know. How extraordinarily insensitive it would be for me to use that example if it were widespread. It’s a metaphor, people. It’s meant
By Rachel Medanic, Talk Social to Me. In healthcare making a difference for one person has network effects. For SBH Health System (SBH) in the Bronx, New York, implementing a Workplace by Facebook online employee community has produced several benefits for the hospital. In just 4 months the online community has: Made organization-wide communication easier, faster & available via mobile
Written by Patrick Goodman, Chief Customer Officer, Red e App. Where do you work? No, I’m not looking for the name of your company or organization, that would be the answer to the question of whom do you work for. What does your physical workspace look like? What materials, tools, and equipment surround you on a daily basis? What do
Written by Molly Anglin, Newsweaver. User sessions and page views fall short in measuring the true health and impact of an organization. As our understanding of digital workplace evolves – the concepts of antifragility, collective intelligence and working out loud play a role in gauging our ability to navigate a highly competitive and uncertain world. Today, intranet and digital workplace
Written by Incentive Internal communication has never been the easiest of feats. Even if all your employees are on-site, miscommunications happen. It’s like a gigantic game of telephone – what you originally said is not what the employee at the end of the line hears. Miscommunication is only one pain point found inside the workplace. Others include productivity, efficiency, flexibility