SharePoint, Teams, & Viva For Internal Communications Insights & Takeaways

Last week ALI Conferences presented SharePoint, Teams, & Viva For Internal Communications, It was a jam-packed 3 days full of Microsoft M365 insights and takeaways. Some key factoids we saw over the 3 days included:
● Employees (people) expect a consumer-grade experience with M365 tools at work
● In regards to the transition from the physical to the digital workplace, hybrid work is here to stay to attract and retain employees
● Yammer is a crucial tool to foster culture and connect employees in a hybrid world
We also wanted to know from our attendees what their Digital Workplace Dream would be, here is a few answers:
● Email could completely go away from the workplace
● Eliminate writing long emails
● To have a vibrant multimedia channel thru which we can target different groups across the organization
● A multi-channel internal platform
Another major topic of the event was the prevalence of Viva and how it can be implemented in your Digital Workplace. Geoff Ables of C5 Insight joined us to spotlight Viva, here was some features Viva can offer.
● Viva Connections: Used for culture and connections. Connects SharePoint and Teams; also allows more personalized content to be shared; keeps employees connected on mobile devices, too
● Viva Insights: Provides ongoing employee feedback quickly and easily; overall a work-life balance tool
● Viva Learning: Allows access to learning tools; a lightweight learning management system
● Viva Topics: Using AI to gather all information across M365 and bring it together – to connect knowledge and experts
Join Geoff Ables & a community of your peers and learn to engage your leadership team in creating a plan for Microsoft 365 that generates vision, excitement & transformation at SharePoint, Teams & Viva For Internal Communications Virtual Masterclass | August 10, 2022 – August 11, 2022 | 12PM-3PM ES
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