Uncovering the Hidden Treasures Buried in the Hearts and Minds of Your Workforce

Uncovering the Hidden Treasures Buried in the Hearts and Minds of Your Workforce

If you want to strike gold with your communications today, it’s essential you start with the needs and feelings of the employees experiencing them. At his design firm, Kevin helps his HR and Communications clients uncover the hidden treasures that make employees tick. Using a simple design method called an Empathy Map, he and his partners dig into the hearts and minds of employees and leaders alike to creatively design their solutions from the inside-out.

In this 90-minute deep-dive session, you will:

  • Be introduced to empathy maps and experience real-world stuff born from them
  • Work with peers to create an empathy map and come up with new solutions to your pressing communications challenges
  • Participate in a live breakout retrospective to share creative ideas and learnings

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