How to Create an Effective Onboarding Process Poster

Written by Sara McGuire, Content Editor at Venngage infographics.
How nerve-wracking is starting a new job?
Even if you have years of experience in your field, entering into an new environment is intimidating. There’s new people to get to know, new dynamics to understand, and new processes to learn.
As an HR professional, you’re probably always looking for ways to make the onboarding process less stressful for new hires. The smoother their transition into the workplace, the sooner work can carry on as usual.
And you, of course, want to avoid miscommunications during the training process–after all, it’s often harder to unlearn the wrong information than it is to learn the right information the first time through.
Offering new hires a poster that breaks down important processes will give them something to refer to so they don’t forget important steps.
A process poster is a one-page quick reference sheet that breaks down a process into easy to understand, easy to follow steps. They can keep it in their files or pin it up in the workspace as a helpful reminder.
Here’s how you can make your own process poster.
- Determine who your audience is before beginning your design.
Who the poster is for will help you determine what information to include. For example, if the new hire you’re offering the poster to has experience in the field, you are probably safe to include industry terms without needing to define them.
But if the poster introduces new concepts that the new employee probably isn’t familiar with, you may need to include definitions or point readers to where they can find more information.
- Trim down your text to include only the key information.
Because you only have limited space on your poster, your information needs to be focused and concise. Cut out any extraneous information that isn’t essential to the process. Break down the information into bullet points to make them easy to read and understand.
- Choose the best design template for your poster.
There are three commonly used process poster layouts:
- Numbered steps.
- A flowchart.
- A timeline.
Depending on the nature of your process, one layout may work better than the other. For example, if the process follows specific time restrictions, a timeline would work well. Or if the process involves making decisions with different outcomes, a flowchart is good for conveying that information.
- Customize your design to fit your needs.
Once you’ve plotted out your design, you can customize it to fit your brand. Use images and other visuals like icons and charts to better communicate information. Come up with a descriptive title. The poster should be nice to look at on top of being informative.
This poster by Venngage infographics walks you through the steps for creating a poster.
Author Bio: Sara McGuire is a Content Editor at Venngage infographics. When she isn’t writing research-driven articles for a number of business and marketing sites, she enjoys reading graphic novels and writing music reviews.
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