5 Questions With ALI New Hires Cheryl & Kendra

5 Questions With ALI New Hires Cheryl & Kendra


Last week ALI Conferences brought on two new hires to the team, they started their first day of work on-site in NYC for the 6th Annual Modern Intranets For The Digital Workplace where they excelled right away.

We sat down with Cheryl and Kendra for 5 fun questions to get to know them better:

First job?

Cheryl: Check-out girl at the supermarket at 15!
Kendra: I was a red cross certified nanny from the age of 12 and did this for years. It was a ton of fun!

Favorite part about event/conference planning?

Cheryl: I have a passion for securing speakers who are equally passionate about the subject and sharing their thoughts, expertise, and ideas with the conference community.
Kendra: I love creating spaces that foster connection and growth which can then evolve into a community of like-minded people.

Favorite conference city?

Cheryl: That’s such a hard question! I’m going to have to choose two, Cologne and Munich, Germany. The Germans are well organized, lots of fun, and the cities are interesting and walkable with old towns, of course, they nail the beer cellars and schnitzels.
Kendra: Growing up I used to go to a lot of my dad’s work conferences in Orlando. It was always so much fun walking the expo floor and then checking out the surrounding theme parks.

Starbucks, Dunkin, or neither?

Cheryl: Starbucks all the way, hot vanilla latte or a vanilla bean Frappuccino – otherwise Yorkshire tea (strong, dash of milk, no sugar!)
Kendra: Starbucks! Is this even a real question?

At least once I have…

Cheryl: I won the mom’s sprint race on school sports day. I was so proud of my sticker and win that I entered the following year and won again! (there’s even footage somewhere!)
Kendra: Been on TV. I used to have a TV show on my old boss’s TV Network called Come Taste Atlanta. It was so cool eating off the beaten path and finding hidden gems around the city.

5 words to describe you…

Kendra: Creative, Extroverted, Fun, Spontaneous, Open-minded.

Learn more about speaking at an ALI Conference and working with Cheryl & Kendra here: https://www.aliconferences.com/speaking/

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