Adding Value Through Supporting Leadership Communication – Cropley Communication

Adding Value Through Supporting Leadership Communication – Cropley Communication

Measuring the effects of communication is a sure-fire way of demonstrating to leaders that they are making a difference with their teams and a way to elevate you and the insight your bring to your organisation. The more measures we can collect and give to them, the more they will feel in control of what they are doing and the more they will buy into communication as one of their roles instead of someone else’s responsibility. Measuring the effect of leader communication is not easy—finding the ‘hard’ measure for a ‘soft’ skill can be tricky. The focus should be ‘outcome’ as a result of the communication, be it a change in knowledge, attitude or behaviour. It is crucial that we don’t just rely on the employee opinion survey or 360-degree feedback tools, these are only one part of the measurement. Measuring what has changed is vital because it allows managers to see a tangible result—that employees are doing something differently as a result of their communication efforts.


This session will explore four things you can ‘give’ leaders and executives, that not only supports them to be more effective at communication but will build your value as communication professionals, including how to effectively:

    • Giving them insights will change their mindset, but change the relationship you have with them
    • Giving them training, will increase the performance of their team and overall organization
    • Give them tools, so that we make it easy for them to communicate better
    • Giving them measures and rewards will change perception and behaviour



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