Respect Your Readers: Lose the Corporate B.S. and ‘Write Tight’ for Mobile and Virtual Workers

Respect Your Readers: Lose the Corporate B.S. and ‘Write Tight’ for Mobile and Virtual Workers

With more and more people getting their information from phones and other mobile devices, communicators have to change how they present information. In this session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Respect your readers, “write tight”—and make every word count?
  • Write for the Mobile Web: Mastering the 5-50-5-50 rule
  • Layer your online information . . . so readers can decide how much time they want to spend with your content
  • Create feature stories online, when nobody has time to read anymore
  • Craft the perfect news headline . . . so even if the readers only skim the headline they still get the most important news
  • Boil down hundreds and hundreds of words into a single, solid summary
  • Edit yourself . . . and make sure your copy is as tight as can be

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