Workshop: Taming Microsoft Teams: 5 Key Controls for Better Collaboration

Workshop: Taming Microsoft Teams: 5 Key Controls for Better Collaboration

Learn the proven formula for balancing Microsoft Teams adoption with effective governance.

The good news is that Microsoft Teams is wildly popular and is being adopted rapidly!

The bad news is that Microsoft Teams is wildly popular and is being adopted rapidly!

Microsoft teams offers a tremendous amount of easy-to-adopt functionality to improve collaboration in any organization. But without the proper controls in place, adoption can lead to frustrating complexity.

In this interactive session, you’ll learn about the 5 key decisions that should be made in order to get, and keep, Microsoft Teams tamed into a safe, productive and simple user experience for collaboration across your organization. Participants will be asked to share their experiences in each of these areas, and you’ll bring a framework back to your organization for starting a Teams governance process.


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