Mini Workshop: Make it a Game! Building Employee Engagement across Hybrid and Virtual Communication

Mini Workshop: Make it a Game! Building Employee Engagement across Hybrid and Virtual Communication

Remote communication isn’t going anywhere, even with Federal employees transitioning back into the workplace to varying degrees. Teams who embrace telework can’t afford to have their trust, communication, and effectiveness impacted by in-person vs. remote schedules; they just need their teamwork to work! This interactive workshop covers simple strategies to help leaders engage their workforce across hybrid, virtual, and in-person communication structures, sharing a game-based approach to building team member buy-in. When teams lean-in and engage with one another through the power competition, laughter, and play, their everyday tasks become less of a burden and more a shared achievement. Participants in this highly uplifting experience will learn:

– The human-centered “Rules of the Game” to apply to all internal comms and messaging, setting a baseline for why employees can feel safe to care and buy-in
– Techniques to turn communication and projects into a journey, harnessing the motivating power of quests and adventure within everyday tasks
– Ways to invite more laughter and optimism into the workday, leveraging the connection power of laughing WITH work’s unexpected moments

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