It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: A Tale of 2.5 Acquisitions

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: A Tale of 2.5 Acquisitions

It might be the first time or the tenth, but communicating mergers and acquisitions is a challenge for most no matter how many times we’ve been through it. No two situations are the same, and where you sit as a communicator matters. Are you part of the team that’s being acquired or doing the acquiring? How do you help your organization transition from due diligence to done deal and beyond? And what if the whole thing goes sideways before you cross the finish line?

Let’s jump-start your successful M&A comms plan together by learning from the past.

During this session, you’ll hear about Lauren’s experiences communicating three different acquisitions between 2018 to 2022 (in which she was in all of the above situations!) and come away with a list of major takeaways, tips, and lessons learned from each.

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