Take a Deep Breath—You’ve Got This: Communicator “Therapy” and Lessons Learned Post-COVID and Amidst Digital Transformation

Take a Deep Breath—You’ve Got This: Communicator “Therapy” and Lessons Learned Post-COVID and Amidst Digital Transformation

The Talk Social to Me team has been in the trenches with customers through all of our world’s recent digital chaos—from lockdowns to overnight chat platform introduction, from mergers between mobile app tools and hopeful relaunches of social platforms. Communicator whiplash is real, and outside forces have left us struggling to find the right, ever-evolving ways to reach our employees and find relevance in smaller circles.

This session will share digital communication learnings, examples, successes and failures from a variety of North American companies over the past two years. Candid analysis and eyebrow-raising challenges will help conference attendees get a broader perspective on how other companies are tackling COVID-related issues, new workforce communications scenarios, and the expectations of different generations in the workplace. We know it’s not all rosy, and the work is tough. Join us to learn, share, ask questions and find a path forward with your own communications challenges in today’s unprecedented world.

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