Panel Session: A Candid Conversation about Communication during COVID-19

Panel Session: A Candid Conversation about Communication during COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic has turned the world of employee communications upside down. Employees working from home, relying on technology more than usual, depending on fast, timely, relevant information from the company .  .  . all of that means that solid employee communication has never been more important. And leadership is noticing!

Communicators need to step up to the plate, and this panel will feature two organizations that have done just that. Join Nebraska Medicine, The Cincinnati Insurance Companies, and  Vertex (a company that went public during the crisis!) as they discuss what they’ve learned the past six months, and how the crisis has reshaped employee communication at their organizations.



Anna Fisher, Communications Manager, Vertex

Paul Baltes, Director of Communications, Nebraska Medicine

Betsy Ertel, Vice President of Communications, The Cincinnati Insurance Companies

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