Changing Your Internal Voice: How changes in our culture, language, and environment should be reflected in our communications

Changing Your Internal Voice: How changes in our culture, language, and environment should be reflected in our communications

The workplace changes quickly these days and that includes how we communicate with our internal colleagues. As internal employee communicators, this means that words, phrases, tools, and processes that had been created, tested, and refined may not work for everyone in this new and evolving structure.

Learn how government communicators can adapt their approach to serving all workers in all environments, including:

  • Changing our language, titles, and phrases to be inclusive of all types of workers
  • Understanding the genesis of the words and phrases we use so we can avoid causing unintentional offense
  • Helping managers learn how to inform and communicate with all staff to ensure everyone receives equal information
  • Addressing the evolving culture and helping employees and leaders avoid creating an unintentional bias toward those who are working in less traditional ways

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