Bringing the Employee Voice to Healthcare

Bringing the Employee Voice to Healthcare

Giving employees a way to communicate broadly outside of their immediate team is often uncertain territory for large organizations that aren’t used to the real-time employee voice or traditionally have only an annual employee survey. Health care professionals at Mount Sinai Health System embraced channels for peer-to-peer recognition in ways that created positive impacts for the average employee’s feelings of connectedness and belonging. Stephanie Ramos, Director of Internal Communications at MSHS leads a team that was supported by a formal champion program and change management strategies from Rachel Medanic, an internal communications consultant that gave significant results that continue to compound.

In this session attendees will learn:

  • How enabling channels for the employee voice can strengthen the culture of connectednessand belonging.
  • How leadership and manager participation in using the same communications channels as employees use can be powerful.
  • Best practices for highlighting employee voices.

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