August 2021

How do you connect your global workforce from frontline to the executives behind one mission, purpose, and set of values? Join us at the 5th Annual Digital Workplace Summit to hear how Domino’s grew in people and purpose during the global pandemic and is looking toward the future of work in 2021 and beyond. During this session you’ll learn how

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The world has changed drastically over the past year, and internal communications have been transformed forever. Yet, some things don’t change. Email continues as the most widely used channel for internal communications—across organizations, industries, and the globe. In ContactMonkey’s recent survey and the Gatehouse State of the Sector survey, Email came out on top with over 95% of respondents stating

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People love contests. If you’re on Facebook, you know this. There are some of the dumbest quizzes in the world out there, and millions of people take them. They all say: Take this quiz to find out: What character from Game of Thrones would you be? If we can guess your real age What your superpower would be if you

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Teams, Yammer and More Internal Digital Communications with Microsoft 365 Microsoft Teams is extremely easy to begin to learn. But it is also extremely easy to make it complex and frustrating to work with. Because it doesn’t organize documents the way SharePoint does, even SharePoint users gravitate towards classic SharePoint rather than embracing Teams.  This results in many organizations using

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Internal communications programs or apps can seem like a daunting task, especially for businesses that are looking to revamp or enhance their efforts. So, how should you choose where to begin? Crescenzo Communications believes in working smarter, not harder. They preach that oftentimes, communicators try putting out too much junk that’s confusing and murky at best. They believe they can

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